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Axít boric,, gỗ Bồ đề, độ bền nén dọc thớ,, độ bền uốn tĩnh, môđun đàn hồi, nhựa thông - boronTài liệu tham khảo
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3. Lesar B, Budija F, Kralj P, Petriˇc M, Humar M, 2012. Leaching of boron from wood impregnated with preservative solutions based on boric acid and liquefied wood. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 70:365 - 367.
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7. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien and Li Shujun, 2017. Effects of Rosin Sizing Agent on the Fixation of Boron in Styrax onkinensis Wood, Advances in Biochemistry, 5(4): 67 - 72.
8. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien, 2020. Effects of Rosin - Aluminum Sulfate Treatment on the Leachability, Color Stability, and Decay Resistance of Wood Treated with a Boron - Based Preservative, BioResources, 15(1): 172- 186.
9. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien and Tran Van Chu, 2018. Effects of Rosin sizing agent on the dimensional stability of Styrax tonkinensis wood. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. No.5 - 2018, 136 - 143.
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15. Yildiz UC, Yildiz S, Gezer ED, 2005. Mechanical properties and decay resistance of wood - polymer composites prepared from fast growing species in Turkey. Bioresour Technol. 96:1003 - 11.
16. Yalinkilic, M. K., 2000. Improvement of Boron Immobility in the Borate - treated Wood and Composite Materials, Ph.D. Dissertation, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
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